
Max supply: 10,000,000 ALPHA tokens.

ALPHA Token: https://suivision.xyz/coin/0xfe3afec26c59e874f3c1d60b8203cb3852d2bb2aa415df9548b8d688e6683f93::alpha::ALPHA

ALPHA Token Allocation

  • Community (Liquidity mining/Airdrops): 60%

  • Dev Operations & Marketing: 10% - unlocked at TGE (Token Generation Event).

  • Team: 25% - vests linearly as per the token schedule. 300 day cliff (First unlock after 300 days).

  • Liquidity (DEX, CEX, Market Makers): 5% - unlocked at TGE.

TLDR: 1.5 million ALPHA tokens are minted at TGE for liquidity and operations. 42,500 ALPHA tokens are minted every day for the first 100 days. After that, minted ALPHA halves every 100 days. 75% of tokens minted are spent towards the protocol.

Token Vesting schedule

  • 57.5% in the first 100 days. Halves every 100 days. The last emission will be on the 1000th day. 801st to 900th and 901st to 1000th will have a reduced emission equally to compensate a maximum of 10 million tokens.

Token Unlock Schedule

Team tokens have 300 day cliff. They vest linearly from day 1, but the unlocks start after 300 days. The team does not have access to these tokens while they are under the cliff and cannot earn a yield on them.

Token Utility

  • ALPHA as a reward token: Given out to liquidity providers on the platform.

  • ALPHA holders governance: Participate in governance to decide protocol features.

  • Periodic airdrops: Based on their usage of the platform, ALPHA Stakers get periodic airdrops from 50% of the fees generated by the protocol. Airdrops generally coincide with the token halving every 100 days.

  • Performance fee: A 20% performance fee is charged on the rewards for auto-compounding. 75% of the performance fee is used to buy ALPHA tokens, add liquidity to the ALPHA-SUI pool, and to build a financial reserve.

ALPHA Token Benefits Users and the Protocol

The fees generated from the protocol are used in the following manner.

  • Constant Buy Pressure: There will be continuous buy pressure on the ALPHA token from protocol fees, ensuring its sustainability and supporting the protocol's growth.

    • 50%: Buys the ALPHA token and sends it to airdrop reserves for ALPHA Stakers.

    • 20%: Buys ALPHA-SUI token to increase liquidity.

    • 5%: Buys a basket of crypto assets for the reserve fund.

    • 25%: Protocol fees go to the team.

Auto-compounding ALPHA vault

All ALPHA rewards are paid out and auto-compounded in this vault. ALPHA tokens in this vault are locked for 100 days. You can withdraw locked tokens anytime with a 50% penalty. The locked tokens also earn ALPHA. 50% of the protocol fees are used to buy ALPHA and are sent to the Airdrop Reserves. This is then later airdropped to all ALPHA vault users in regular airdrops. Check Airdrops section for more details.


Provides liquidity for swaps and will be heavily incentivized for liquidity providers. It will also be used to liquidity mine the ALPHA token. 20% of protocol fees will be used to add liquidity to the ALPHA-SUI pool.

A Note on ALPHA

ALPHA is a multi-utility token solely for use within the AlphaFi ecosystem, acting as a decentralized medium of exchange among participants without third-party intermediaries. It is not intended for use as public payment for goods or services outside the AlphaFi platform, nor does it represent any form of ownership, shareholding, or entitlement in any entity, and is not intended to constitute a security in any relevant jurisdiction. ALPHA confers only the right to engage and interact on AlphaFi, without promises of dividends or returns. The value of ALPHA on secondary markets is independent of the efforts of the AlphaFi Project Contributors, and no mechanisms exist to influence this pricing.

ALPHA's role is also to incentivize user engagement within AlphaFi by rewarding contributions and participation proportionally to their activity and contribution. Inactive users will not receive incentives.

Last updated